Infusion Therapy

Making Complex Therapies Simpler, Smarter, and Safer

Gima-Bambot Healthcare Ltd., Infusion Therapy supply solution targets patient care and improvement in efficiency. Our solution package targets local availability of quality products from the bottle to the patient ensuring safety. Our solution focuses on the following pains: blood exposure, needle stick injuries, unsafe drug preparation, infusion errors.... We provide specific medical devices to delicate patient group - Paediatrics & Neonatology.


Discofix® | 3-way Stopcock

The Gima-Bambot Healthcare Ltd., Benefits.

Our partnership with B.Braun is to bring in the best infusion therapy system to Cameroon's healthcare system.

Reducing Chemotherapy Mistakes

A significant number of death in most healthcare systems is due to medication error.

Reducing Underdosing

Underdosing is an often overlooked and underestimated type of medication error. It is estimated that up to 50% of antibiotic infusions are underdosed. 

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